What would I change about my program of study?


Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk to you about what changes I would make to the chemistry and pharmacy curriculum. Looking at the subjects included in the career I think I would not remove any, but I would add subjects, such as business management and courses that help in opening a pharmacy of one's own. Something that should be modified is the duration of the studies, since in order to reduce the academic load there should be more years of study, so there would be no academic overload.

The faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences is somewhat small with respect to the number of students, which is around 1,500. The common areas are very small and in bad weather and rain there is only one roofed place where not all students can take shelter. The cafeteria is also an issue to be addressed since they sell very little variety of food and at very high costs which as students, we cannot afford all month. They need to sell more healthy food such as fruits and salads so that you can prepare it yourself for lunch.

The university should have more study rooms since there are only 2 in the Ceap, which is the only place where you can study in a group and they are really small, add that the university has little technology, only this year they enabled rooms that can transmit classes from another room and it is like the most technological thing that the faculty has since the computers it has are old and do not always work properly, to improve this they could put wifi throughout the faculty so it would be easier to do research work in the faculty.

Another big issue to be addressed are the teachers, who should study pedagogy and be qualified to be teachers, since many do not have the qualities and that is why they teach poorly, and the only ones harmed are the students. Lastly, a courses should be held to give them the tools to approach the topics that will be discussed in class and to be more dynamic when teaching.


  1. That's right! When it rains it is impossible to find a comfortable place.

  2. About the infrastructure, it is so poor, I agree that there should be more study rooms. And it would be great if the teacher had more tools to teach. I would learn so much better:)

  3. it's a big deal to make classes of the common subjects if it's not in the main hall, hall four is not the best


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