
What would I change about my program of study?

  Hello everyone, Today I am going to talk to you about what changes I would make to the chemistry and pharmacy curriculum. Looking at the subjects included in the career I think I would not remove any, but I would add subjects, such as business management and courses that help in opening a pharmacy of one's own. Something that should be modified is the duration of the studies, since in order to reduce the academic load there should be more years of study, so there would be no academic overload. The faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences is somewhat small with respect to the number of students, which is around 1,500. The common areas are very small and in bad weather and rain there is only one roofed place where not all students can take shelter. The cafeteria is also an issue to be addressed since they sell very little variety of food and at very high costs which as students, we cannot afford all month. They need to sell more healthy food such as fruits and salads so

travel to the past or to the future?

      I think I would really like to travel to the past, because I prefer to know very well something that has already happened than to spoil myself for what will happen in the future, the future I would like to live it in the flesh as time goes by without rushing anything.   I would love to travel exactly to the era of the dinosaurs about 67 million years ago to the so-called Mesozoic era, since as a child I really like dinosaur movies like "little foot in search of the enchanted valley" which is my favorite because its protagonist is my favorite dinosaur, a small brontosaurus. Also since I was a little girl I have been interested in fossils and how would have been the real dinosaurs that inhabited the earth, is a topic that has always interested me a lot.  As much as I like dinosaurs I don't think I would like to stay there because besides going alone, they would probably eat me alive and I don't want to suffer that haha, I would rather go to the exact moment where

My dream Job

     I study chemistry and pharmacy, I really like my career which I chose because I had the opportunity to work in pharmacy, but my dream job is to be a veterinarian, when I was a child, I loved animals both small and large, where I lived there was a lot of field so I grew up around horses, cows, rabbits, ducks, chickens, dogs and many other animals and I liked them all, but what made me happy was to help them when they were not well.  As a curious fact in my house there were 15 dogs, all rescued from the street where we took care of them and gave them a lot of love with the idea of giving them up for adoption at some point, but as the months passed the dogs were already part of the family and giving them away was very difficult, there was even a little dog that had a cart because he could not walk because he had been bumped, but when we played with him he was very happy, his name was "Flaco".  To be a veterinarian you not only have to like helping animals, but also know th

The best holiday ever!

I have never gone to a concert in my life and I don't go on vacation very far from home, but I think my favorite vacation was a trip I had in the summer of 2021 in the middle of the pandemic. It was a trip that my body needed to relax for a while and get out of the Covid-19 routine, leave the mask and breathe fresh air, so with my boyfriend we went for 3 days to an aunt's house that is steps away from the beach. The beach was called San Sebastian, it is located in the central coast very close to "El Quisco". I have some beautiful memories about those days such as walking hand in hand with my boyfriend along the seashore, going to an amusement park located in El Quisco, watching the sunset sitting on the sand and enjoying our time together. We had never taken a trip together before, but for a first one it was very meaningful and beautiful.  It's a good panorama to go to "El Quisco" amusement park since it only works in summer, it has many games and p


            My dream is to have the opportunity to live in Canadá, as it is one of the countries with the highest quality of life index, where you can reach proposed goals and objectives. It is also a country with low crime rates, such as robbery and homicide, making it one of the safest countries in the world. Another thing I love about this country are the beautiful landscapes it has, as there are many national reserves and forest parks where they care about the environment protecting it with initiatives such as installing bike lanes to reduce smog production. I would like to tour the Jasper National Park with my boyfriend on a bike and photograph the wonders found in it, as well as learn more about its flora and fauna. I would like to learn more about their customs, typical foods, cultures, but I would rather live it with my own eyes. Canada is my goal is a few more years, to give me the opportunity to work there and raise a family having a better quality of life and a good educatio

My favourite series

  Wow I don’t know how much it took me to figure out what my favorite show was, so I’m between the two that I like best, first of all it’s called Vis a Vis where a young woman gets ripped off and cheated, ends up in a women’s prison, when she got to that place she was very shy and didn’t know how to act, But as the chapters pass, he gets braver and braver, and like every series, he has a very clever enemy who tries everything to escape from prison, and after a while they end up being allies and robbing banks to live the life they so much wanted. My second favorite series is called The 100 where 99 years ago humans left the earth and went to live in space, after that 99 years it occurs to him to go and inspect the earth to see what conditions it was left after the catastrophic event caused by humans, so they decide to send 100 young people and they don’t believe the crazy things they find on earth, people who survived the catastrophic event and who fight with the invaders of the sky,

My favourite asignature

  Hello to all of you! Today I have to talk about my favorite subject, I thought it would be easier to choose which, but during the semester all the subjects I liked until the grades arrive haha, so on second thought, I think my favorite subject is my Theater workshop with my wonderful teacher named Angela, which I think is my favorite because of how she treats her students and how she listens to them.💗 The theater for me is the way to relax, that’s where I can be me and by acting all those ways of expressing become a feeling that I can express, in theater we have been taught many things like to breathe, but breathe well as when we are born, inflating the stomach, also to put into practice the imagination that we all have but many we repress, also to identify emotions and feelings and then express them with the body, face, tone of voice, among other things. Since I was little, I have liked the theater, putting myself in the place of the character, feeling his sadness or his joy an